Many people do not know where to find Chinese songs in the Internet. Most people use the YouTube to search for Chinese songs but sometimes YouTube does not provide the latest songs because the video is not released. There are many sites today for users to stream and download Chinese songs. The examples are the following:
Baidu, BaiduMp3 [Online], Retrieved 28th May 2009
1. - Baidu is one of the most famous online search engine in China. It also allows users to download and stream latest songs.
Gougou, Gougou Music [Online], Retrieved 28th May 2009
2. - GouGou is very similar to baidu because it is also another famous online search engine in Chine. It also allows users to download and stream songs there.
Haoting,[Online], Retrieved 28th May 2009
3. - is one of the most famous streaming media sites known among Chinese songs lovers. It allows user to stream the audio file from the web site. Users do not need to waste space to download a song if he/she could listen from the web site. It also rated as one of the best streaming media sites for Chinese Songs because it has all the latest songs from all Chinese, Korean, Japanese and other Asian musicians. The web site also practices copywriting, therefore all the music stream from there are all licensed music.
Have you tried these sites?